Sunday, October 7, 2018

I can feel it coming...

It's October, and you know what that means. Yeah, Halloween is coming, but that's not it. A multitude of family birthdays? yes, but no. Cooler weather? depends on where you live. In Tucson the high is in the 80's. (I'll wait while you stop flipping off the computer.)

In this house, it means NaNoWriMo is coming. Yes, NaNo for those that know. For those that don't, well it's an annual month of insanity, where about a half million people world-wide try to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days.

I told you it was crazy.

What does that have to do with October? Well, I NaNo. October is for plotting, back story, character development, and organization. This year October is also about a master's class in pharmacology. It's taking all of my time right now, but I really need a creative outlet for me.

October also means I am in the thralls of Reindeer games, that annual rush to knit eleven pairs of socks in time for Yule. Yeah, I'm doing that, too.  It's okay, I've go a plan. (stop snickering) Really, there is a plan. I'm going to stick to 1667 words a day. One pair of socks a week. Oh, and school work, and work-work, and ...


Yeah, well here goes. I'm doing it anyhow. I'll be revisiting a story I started a couple of years ago. I didn't like where it went, so I'm doing it again. We're using a poker theme this year. at least I can play poker.

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