Monday, September 29, 2008

OFFF report

I took the weekend off to go to OFFF. Well worth the trip!! My first thought, I didn't bring enough money. About 20 oz of wool, 4 skeins of sock yarn and a new spindle later, I decided to head back to Portland to meet Mimm to go to the Quilt Expo. Wow! Too much for one day. I'll post pics soon, I hope.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hat Attack and other stuff

Hat Attack started this week. As I did in Sock Wars I, my weapon was mailed the very next day (let's all hear it for night shifters!!). Unfortunately, I've discovered I am allergic to Therapi. Let's all hope I'm killed off soon, before the yarn gets me.

I'm desperately searching for my Scarf Style book. I want to knit something out of it with the other 2 skeins of Knitters Without Borders. Other 2 skeins you ask? Yes, well, there's an interesting story behind my getting away from the Yarn Harlot's visit to Portland in April with 3 (yes, 3) skeins of this limited edition yarn. You see, I was sitting there, minding my own business, and bought my 1 skein, like a good girl. But the bad girl in me wanted more. She discovered that the lady sitting next to me was not going to buy any. Bad girl talked nice new knitter into purchasing one for her (I paid for the yarn, of course). Then, during the night, a lovely announcement was made, stating that there was still more yarn, and if we wanted to purchase another skein we could, so I did. Three, one became socks, but the other 2 I want to make into a body-less sleeve and neck scarf for riding my bike in the cooler weather.

Does anyone know where I put my book?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hat Attack

started today. The pattern in straight forward enough, but i suspect my asasain is here in PDX. Could mean doom. must keep knitting. Now if i could just stop coughing...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Hi, I'm back. Didja miss me? I've been knitting, but not taking pictures. OOPS.

Recipe time at String Theory. We were talking about jelly making the other night. One of the guys tells me about this jelly he makes from wine. Wine. Weird. He says buy the cheap stuff. Hey, I lived in Wine Country for over 10 years. If you won't drink it, don't cook with it. So I tried the jelly. Pretty good. Definitely not for anyone with alcohol issues. I'm not sure it's technically possible to cook out all of the alcohol.

Want to make some? Here's how:

wine - one bottle - 750 ml - pour one glass of wine to steady your nerves, the other 550 ml goes in the pot
sugar - 3 1/2 cups - what's jelly without sugar?
certo - one packet - or one box of sure-jel , your choice
jars - 4 cups worth - I bought cute little one cup jars - gifts and all...

Place wine in pan. Bring to boil for 5 minutes. Pour out of pan and into measuring cup, you need 2 cups of reduced wine. Return wine to pan, add sugar. Bring back to full rolling boil. Cook at boil for one minute. Add pectin/certo/sure-jel. Return to boil, cook at boil for one minute. Pour into jars, wiping the edges free of jelly when you are done. Process as usual. I just tighten my lids, turn the jars upside down for 5 minutes and then turn right side up. Never had a problem with my jelly.

Serve with fancy crackers, toast, cheese, whatever.
