Monday, September 3, 2012

An Offering - The Compassion Project

I know pain; kneeling by the side of the bed in the middle of the night, fearing the next breath, wishing and praying for the dark creature within to twist the knife and bring it all to an end.  I do not know your pain.

I know fear; the terror of the furious voice, or hearing the words that may end your life, or at least life as you have known it, casting you into the depths of hopelessness.  I do not know your fear.

I know loss; the hollow emptiness of a vacated organ or friend or loved one, to suicide, accidental death, miscommunication, cancer, or other illness.  I do not know your loss.

I know anger; the fire in the stomach that threatens to force its way out, with or without permission, filling me with fear of repercussion if I let it out, or consequences if I do not.  I do not know your anger.

I know despair; the slow slide from oblivion to the abyss, where one contemplates unspeakable acts upon one’s own person, seeking only momentary relief, with no real hope of achieving it.  I do not know your despair.

I know ignorance; the exhaustible confusion of not knowing what to do, what can be done, what should be done, what has been done.  I do not know your ignorance.

I know suffering; the heart wrenching ache that cannot be quenched, that demands to be quenched, that can only by pacified a little at a time.  I do not know your suffering.

I know hatred; the all-encompassing abundance of wrongs done and wrongs received.  I do not know your hatred.

I know shame; hiding in the pit of my soul, regretting actions or inactions, thoughts and desires.  I do not know your shame.

I know forgiveness; of wrongs done and wrongs I have done, to myself and to others.  I forgive you.  I forgive me.

I know mercy; its starts by recognizing ourselves in each other, and treating each other with loving kindness.  I offer you mercy.

 I know compassion; the sweet beauty of a wrong relieved, removed, corrected, often at the hands of a stranger unfamiliar with our shortcomings.   I offer you compassion.

Let me show you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Notes from the bus to camp

Summer camp... it's not just for kids anymore.  This year I'll be attending Camp NanoWrimo from the comfort of my comfy chair, in my jammies.  I hope to write 50k.  The plan is to write the history for the world my story is set in, but this may be low-balling it.  In truth, the story may take over.  I can hardly wait.  My pencil is sharp, my eraser put away, my notebooks ready.  Here we go!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sorry folks, school took over my life again.  Downside: I do a lot of schoolwork (going full time) and I work full time.  Not knitting much.  The Yule Project has begun.  Pattern designed, yarn purchased, knitting begun.  2 pair done, 9 to go.  Is it bad that I am counting little kids' socks as full pairs?

On the publishing front, I have begun editing for Jeff's book for the DCC RPG.  The Beta test is over, but the game goes on (yay!).  My book is getting closer to publishing.  If the weather holds, we'll be photographing later this week.

On the family front, apparently Kay broke his barely two-year-old leg yesterday.  Poor guy.  Jake is signed up for school.  Maddie is climbing trees.  Lilly is standing.  We miss them all terribly.  Thinking about fixin that problem.  Still in the thinking stages.

On the work front: I stepped down as a charge nurse.  It just got to be too much for me, with school and all.  I need to be able to plan my life a bit better right now.

On the weight loss front: I'm down 15 lbs, and total of 8 inches.  Wow.

On the knitting front: I've got a serious case of startitis, but I'm reisisting it.  I think I'll work on my Travelling Sweater.  I hope I have enough yarn.  Not sure I do.... 

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What a disappointment

I recieved an email yesterday from Michaels, lauding the Copic pen system.  So I thought I'd check them out while out and about today.  They did not have them.  Come on, guys.  If you are going to place something prominently in your national ad, make sure your stores carry them!