Quick apology: sorry to all the medical-type people out there who may read this. Don't take it personally.
It turns out, we have all been fed a terrible lie. I don't drink, smoke, or take drugs. I eat a vegan diet (for the most part, there is still the occaisional ice cream issue) and work out fairly regularly (I count riding to/from the MAX or walking the same to be exercise - and I do it at least 3 days a week, plus all the trips to the store, etc). It seems that no matter what we do to take care of ourselves, we still get cancer. Apparently, my thyroid biopsy came back as highly suspicious. So I see a surgeon next week and we'll take it from there. Something else to be removed, I guess. This sucks.
I really want a cheeseburger, fries and a large milkshake right now. Really. Or maybe some mac 'n cheese with ketchup.