Friday, July 2, 2010
It's been interesting
Thursday, May 20, 2010
On the brighter side, the kitchen is clean, groceries bought, and beans soaking. Tomorrow laundry and packing.
Oh, and we got a 'potty-gram' today. Seem J decided the week of the train trip was the perfect time to potty train himself. So he got to call Mimi and Grampa to tell them. He is so proud of himself. We are too. See you soon, J.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Done with drama....
Brief recap: Zoot died, stressful days at work, reorganizing the house for the combining of familes, dealing with my mom (or rather, refusing to deal with her), and now S says I don't want to see her while I'm down south. In short, DONE.
BTW: I think I'm allergic to Advantage. I keep breaking out in hives on my arms after I cuddle or brush the cat. Not good.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Oh Zoot of the Mighty Spots,
my tiny lion; already I miss you,
My bed is too big now and my lap has grown cold.
Thank you my friend for the joy you brought to my life.
The tiny little light guiding me through the midnight of my soul;
The heaviest of anchors when all else was lost, adrift upon a desperate sea.
In a darkened wood you were the little white shadow ever next to me.
You taught me how to trust, how to love unreservedly;
And at the end of all… to act bravely, with grace and dignity.
Be now at peace my love.
Be free from your pain.
Sleep now my friend,
Knowing that you have saved me.
Leave behind the cloudy days and the rain.
Go now to the endless Summer of Golden Elysium.
Run fast and far upon those sun dappled fields.
Go now to a hero’s rest.
Zoot Whisperfoot
(posted on behalf of my darling Hubster)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Startitis strikes again
Socks for my hubby, STR Scum Bubbles - need ends woven and they are done.
Socks for my hubby, in STR color unknown
So, how do you deal with startitis. I still need to start Jakes blanket, maybe for the trip, it should make a great travel project, mindless knitting. mmmmmmmmm.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Welcome Kayleb
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Okay, now you can have the baby...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
12 rows to go...
Hey Em, Can Kayleb come out and play yet?????
Monday, March 8, 2010
Project issues
Wellllllll, I'm almost through the second skein for Seraphim, in Malabrigo sock Impressionist Sky. I only have 30 rows to go. But the skein is looking a bit small. Time to rip out a couple of stitches, measure the yarn used, calculate the amount of yardage to go with a generous bind off, weigh the skein, and..... discover that I am about 200 yards short. What? Again? Okay so, let's just reinforce what I've been saying all along. I'm a loose knitter. There I've said it. So I went hunting last night. Hooray! Found a skein, ordered it. It should be here by week's end, I hope.
Next post: my own sock pattern.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Trying something new
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Strangest Move
I also cast on Seraphim. The stress got me. Oh, well.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Knitting Olympics 2010
Besides, we are moving this week and for it to truly be a challenge for me as a knitter, I would have to execute a 3 skein shawl. In reality, I'll be lucky to knit one row.
Friday, January 29, 2010
We got approved for the house!!! The bear and I are moving in a couple of weeks. We found a house here in PDX with 3 bedrooms, sun porch, basement, garage, tiny attic, and most importantly, a yard. There will be a garden. There will be a washer and dryer. There will be space for 2 small boys to run.
Small boys? Did I say small boys? Yes. Yes, I did. Our household is expanding. My sister, E, and her hubster N, and their two wee ones are moving in with us to join households. Those of you who know me personally know this relationship is a bit more than I am letting on, however, I digress. They are arriving at the end of May. My goal is to have our stuff settled by then, so that they have space to move in as well.
In the mean time, this does not mean that the knitting has stopped. It hasn't even slowed down. See, babies don't wait until Mimi can find time to knit. Nothing finished this week, but I'm getting close.
Ladies and gentlemen, start your tape guns!!!
BTW - if you see Lib, give her a hug. She could use it right now. And maybe some chocolate chip cookies and mac'n'cheese.