I've been underestimating the amount of yarn needed for a given project lately. Not just once, but many times. What sucks is I'm on a lace shawl kick. Yep, the punk chick is knitting lace again. So sue me. I like 'em.
Wellllllll, I'm almost through the second skein for Seraphim, in Malabrigo sock Impressionist Sky. I only have 30 rows to go. But the skein is looking a bit small. Time to rip out a couple of stitches, measure the yarn used, calculate the amount of yardage to go with a generous bind off, weigh the skein, and..... discover that I am about 200 yards short. What? Again? Okay so, let's just reinforce what I've been saying all along. I'm a loose knitter. There I've said it. So I went hunting last night. Hooray! Found a skein, ordered it. It should be here by week's end, I hope.
Next post: my own sock pattern.