Monday, March 29, 2010

Welcome Kayleb

Hello World. Please join House Squirl in welcoming Kayleb Lawrence to the planet. He was born today at 10:03 am, 6 lbs 9 oz, 19 inches of perfection. Mom and baby doing well. Daddy needs some sleep. Brother getting used to the idea.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Baby coming, tonight!!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Okay, now you can have the baby...

I finished his blankie. Just have to block it tonight.

Here is my Seraphim:

And those socks I promised? The yarn was so dark that the pattern didn't show well. Must do again.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

12 rows to go...

and Seraphim is finished. The emergency yarn arrived today. Thank you Eat Sleep Knit. I ordered that yarn in the middle of the night a couple of days ago and it arrived today!!! Now I can finish my shawl. We just won't pay any attention to the baby shawl I'm supposed to be working on. The baby is coming whether I finish or not. Plug gone, contractions started, just not timeable yet. It's only a matter of time.

Hey Em, Can Kayleb come out and play yet?????

Monday, March 8, 2010

Project issues

I've been underestimating the amount of yarn needed for a given project lately. Not just once, but many times. What sucks is I'm on a lace shawl kick. Yep, the punk chick is knitting lace again. So sue me. I like 'em.

Wellllllll, I'm almost through the second skein for Seraphim, in Malabrigo sock Impressionist Sky. I only have 30 rows to go. But the skein is looking a bit small. Time to rip out a couple of stitches, measure the yarn used, calculate the amount of yardage to go with a generous bind off, weigh the skein, and..... discover that I am about 200 yards short. What? Again? Okay so, let's just reinforce what I've been saying all along. I'm a loose knitter. There I've said it. So I went hunting last night. Hooray! Found a skein, ordered it. It should be here by week's end, I hope.

Next post: my own sock pattern.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trying something new

Okay, so I'll admit I've been posting sporadically lately. To be frank, I've been a bit depressed. The last year had just been too hard. Two surgeries, cancer, work crap, the move that didn't happen crap, mom crap. Sometimes it's just too much. So I've decided to try something different. I'll log in every few days and post something good that happened. We'll see how it goes. Maybe this will help...