Friday, July 31, 2015

Crotchety old lady in training

Apparently I have reached that age where I will roll my eyes, shake my head and give disdainful looks. And if you are three teenaged girls riding the electric handicap scooters at Walmart, I will do this, especially when you were seen skipping through the parked cars in the parking lot on the way in. Especially if you decide to play follow the leader through the store, getting in the way of shoppers, like me. And if you have the audacity to be offended by my disdain, I will tell you that it is sad that you feel the world is your playground, that you have now run the batteries down so that other people who need the scooters cannot use them, that they are meant for disabled people to use - not three self-important little girls, and that it is sad that your parents obviously have not taught you needed lessons for the abrupt awakening of adulthood that is headed your way.

And then I will make my way out of the store as quickly as I can, hoping my tires will not be slashed in the near future.

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