Monday, September 18, 2017

Whew! What a week this has been. Work is There is not much difference from one night to the next as a critical care nurse. Sure faces and exact details change, but the job is what it is.

Fred's memorial gathering was nice. It was fun to share memories about someone who touched us all so deeply. Fred was an interesting man, and an amazing nurse. We lost a brother, a friend, a comrade. There will never be another quite like him.

We are firmly into school mode. Week two's assignments are done. I proved, once again, that I can write a ten page paper in two days. On to week three!

Game night at Casa Bruss was amazing. Played one new game, and several favorites. It never fails to be a good time. I was so relieved that Game Night actually meant board games. It occurred to me on the way there that it might mean football. Thank heavens I was wrong. I'm not into hockey much...

Reindeer games has begun. The yarn is dyed, knitting has commenced. I promise photos soon.

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